Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Big Data in Healthcare: Hype and Hope on the Path to Personalized Medicine

I watched a video with an interesting panel on Big Data and Healthcare, recorded at the 2014 Digital Health Conference, entitled Big Data in Healthcare: Hype and Hope on the Path to Personalized Medicine, moderated by Bonnie Feldman.

As the author of “Big Data in Healthcare Hype and Hope”, Dr. Feldman has interviewed over 180 emerging tech and healthcare companies, always asking, “How can your new approach help patients?” Her research shows that data, as an enabling tool, has the power to give us critical new insights into not only what causes disease, but what comprises normal. Despite this promise, few patients have reaped the benefits of personalized medicine. The panel discuss the evolving health data ecosystem and how big data is being leveraged for research, discovery, clinical trials, genomics, and cancer care.

The Panel Members are:
- Bonnie Feldman, DDS, MBA - Chief Growth Officer, @DrBonnie360 (Moderator)
- Colin Hill - CEO, GNS Healthcare @GNSHealthcare
- Jonathan Hirsch - Founder & President, Syapse @JonathanHirsch @Syapse
- Andrew Kasarskis, PhD - Co-Director, Icahn Institute for Genomics; Multiscale Biology; Associate Professor, Genetics; Genomic Studies, Icaahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai @IcahnMountSinai
- William King - CEO, Zephyr Health @ZephyrHealth

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