Tomorrow, October 9th at 3PM ET, the DM Review,in its initiative called DM Radio, will provide a live web broadcast called Four Mega-Trends in Enterprise Data Integration, hosted by Eric Kavanagh with Jim Ericson.
According DM Review: "Size, speed, interoperability and economics – these four mega-trends drive the evolution of enterprise data integration, according to industry guru Philip Russom of TDWI. Size can refer to the raw amount of data a company must integrate; but it also refers to the number of information producers and consumers. Speed covers a range of issues, from the latency of data to the frequency of reports, to the cycle time for creating analytical applications. Interoperability deals with the way systems and data work with each other. And economics, well… we all know what that means, but companies can take penny-pinching too far.
Tune into this episode of DM Radio to hear several industry experts discuss these four mega-trends and how they might affect you and your organization. We’ll talk to Yves de Montchieul of Talend, Suresh Chandrasekaran of Denodo, and Sami Akbay of GoldenGate Software to hear what’s happening on the front lines of enterprise data integration.
Attendees will learn:
- Why bigger is not always better
- How speed can be leveraged for better reporting
- Methods for improving interoperability
- Tips for knowing where and when to save money"
In the DM Review website, you can register for this live Web broadcast.
You also can check out the DM Radio archives to hear previous programs with a variety of other issues.
The DM radio is an excellent initiative by DM Review to spread knowledge with expert professionals in interesting subjects.
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